convertible top ruining paint

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Nov 24, 2002
Ontario, Canada
I'm at the point of reassembly of my 55 and am concerned about the birds I've seen that have scratches, paint scuffs and rubber marks on the top rear deck where the converible top sits and seals on the body. I've seen in a TBird parts catalogue that a clear plastic , self-adhesive film is available that attaches to the back deck, and prevents the convertible top or weatherstripping from contacting the paint. Does anyone have experience with this product and care to share their suggestions pro or con?
Those protective strips do prevent the top weatherstripping from chafing the paint but, many users claim they get discoloration under the film. The discoloration looks something like a series of water spots.
It is especially noticeable on dark colors.

The best advise is to insure there is no dust or grit on either the body or weatherstripping to act as an abrasive. Wax on the body and Pledge on the rubber is probably the most protection you coud hope for. Loosening the top clamps when the car is parked for extended periods is some help too.

The design concept is flawed and you just have to make the best of it. I understand the folks who have the 2002 Beetlebirds are having the same problem.

Good Luck, Tom
Many thanks for the info! I may just live with it , as you suggest, and when the paint damage gets unbearable, I guess I could have my restoration shop blow in a paint repair.
You might want to try using a vaseline type grease on your hard and soft top roof seals, just wipe seals with the vaso grease and rub it in, dont use to much but just enough to keep the rubber seals greasy. It will not effect the paint and it will keep your seals soft. It will leave a grease mark on the deck when you remove the top but if your like me and wash your car virtually everytime you take it out cruz'n it will wipe off very easy and leave no mark. ;)
Thanks for the idea. Question though....I know that oil based products will destroy the rubber weather stripping. Won't vaseline do the same thing? I've had no experience using vaseline on rubber parts, but have had superior results with silicone. I'm curious as to how long you've used vaseline on your seals?
In addition to the clear vinyl pad, there is also a colored thin foam pad you can use. They come in colonial white and raven black, and run about $10. Also, once you've positioned the top, you can trim off the excess, so that it doesn't extend past the edge of the top. I've used both types, and this one works much better than the clear vinyl. I use it under both my hard and softop. When it gets dirty, you can wash it with soap and water.

The same people also make a great pad for your passenger to sit on the rear deck for parades. It is thick foam, stays in place with soft magnets, and comes with another pad to protect your seat from "high heel" damage.

The company is Silicon Valley Thunderbird Nest, and they advertise in the EarlyBird magazine. The phone number is 888-206-0148.