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  #10 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-25-2010, 01:57 AM
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verdejor verdejor is offline
Tbird Fanatic
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Panama City, FL
Posts: 70
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verdejor is on a distinguished road
here's some of the gauges installed. Now properly working. excuse the bad phone pics. I will post a video on my album for more detailed view. picked green color since the speedo color is green to give it a more uniform look.

btw...that "89" reading is actually 8G for 8 gallons...
Lo on oil gauge is b/c the engine is not on, therefore no oil pressure
74 is temp
10.7 is battery...again car off...been working on ensuring everything was correct...battery a little tired of being on without alternator of course...
It's not all that, But it's mine...
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