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Old 07-25-2003, 12:40 AM
nomadbird nomadbird is offline
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Location: Traverse City, Mi. USA
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I'd guess the door shell probably weighs a little more than two bowling balls, 30 - 40 pounds. There are two floating nut plates inside the door that receive the six hinge bolts. Suggest you use 1/4" or 3/8" drive sockets and an extension bar. There are a couple bolt heads that don't allow sufficient clearance for a 1/2" drive.

The most painless way to remove and replace a door is to fold a couple shop towels and set them on the threshold and then swing the door into the opening where it will be supported by the towels while you work the hinge bolts. It is a pretty easy one-man procedure.

The hardest part of the job is removing the stock rivet that holds the door check arm onto the bracket on the "A" pillar.

Tom D.

[ 07-24-2003: Message edited by: nomadbird ]
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