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Old 06-28-2003, 11:17 PM
woodward bird woodward bird is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Royal Oak Michigan
Posts: 61
Rep Power: 28
woodward bird is on a distinguished road

Hey guy's i just asembled the lower end of my 66' 390 today,and i couldnt find a pick-up for the pump localy so the original one wasnt to bad lookin so i soaked it in mineral spirts and cleand it up. After i bolted it to the pump and spun the crank i noticed that as the counter wieght on the crank turns it only has about 3/8"or so clearance between the counter wieght and the this normal? i've never redone a 390 ford so i'm not sure if that normal or if it got bent somwhere along the line,it dosent look like it but it's hard to tell. I know it wont contact the crank but i want to make sure the pick-up is in the right positin in the pan.

Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin
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