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Old 08-22-2009, 05:46 PM
Markt63 Markt63 is offline
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Got it running!

Yes, thanks for asking! Finally got to work on it last weekend. Figured out all of the lines were open (sprayed carb cleaner from the carb back down then blew air from the front back to the tank) and then the pump had no vac. So, swapped the pump out and it started right up. One item to add if anyone checks this out... Bought a brand new pump at the local auto parts store and couldn't get the filter can off it. Took it back and they ended up denting it pretty good trying to get it off. Went and got another one off the shelf and finally got it off in the store with three of us holding and working on it. If you buy a new pump get them to take the filter can off in the store. Put a little oil on the threads and only tightened by hand. Haven't found one of the little cup type wrenches small enough to fit it yet.
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