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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 06-01-2009, 08:13 AM
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rhinoman rhinoman is offline
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rhinoman is on a distinguished road
Vale Joe

Thanks Jeff for letting us know of Joe's passing, he will be sorely missed.

Joe and I used to email each other after I purchased some parts from him which were shipped to Australia and I called him once in Burlingame. We had a good chat about our tbirds and what was happening. I felt connected to Joe - one of those weird things, my father recently passed away and was in the 2nd WW in the Pacific. Heck, he may have met Joe, "one of those Yanks with lots of money!" ;-)

Jeff, please let us know what happens to Dad's old 66'; would be good to see the new owner join the site and keep the history.

Regards, Graeme Anderson
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