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  #5 (permalink)   IP:
Old 12-07-2007, 10:57 PM
Derek De Ville Derek De Ville is offline
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
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Smile Installing Petronix Ignitor II

Hi JOhn,

Thanks for the info.
I now have the ignitor II in kit form along with a flamethrower coil by
Petronix. In the instructions they say that if you have a resistor
wire going from the coil to the ignition switch......that you should replace
that with a 12 gauge wire. Apparently the ignitor II will not give full
performance if you leave the resistor in the circuit. I just wondered if
you had done this on your 66 Tbird. I have a 65 Tbird without the transistor
ignition and it just has the single points distributor. Would you happen to
know how I should hook up the 12 gauge wire. It says to bypass the circuit
at the fuse box???

I sent you an email yesterday but you may not have received it.


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