hood release cable


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Apr 7, 2007
I have a 1955 thunderbird and the hood release cable is broke, any ideas on how to release the latch. Thanks.
Jack the front of the car up, or get it on a hoist. Get a long pry bar (2 and a half to 3 feet) and from under the car, right at the firewall on the driver's side, about a foot down from the surface of the hood, you'll see the 3 inch long arm that the hood latching mechanism opens with. Its attached to the driver's side hood pin lock. Brace the middle of the pry bar against the exhaust header pipe and the end of the pry bar against the 3 inch lock arm, and press the lock arm towards the firewall. Been there done that. You may fiddle with it for 5 minutes before you get the latch to pop. When you replace the wire that goes through the lock arm and fasten it with its bushing and allen key, bend the wire immediately after it exits the bushing. That's how it was done at the factory to prevent the bushing sliding off the wire. Personally I put 2 bushings on mine to keep from this aggravation in the future. Good Luck!

Casco sells a tool to open the hood if the cable is broken. I think it is around $10.00. I puchased one just in case I am on the road and this happens.
