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  #3 (permalink)   IP:
Old 02-13-2007, 09:39 PM
bowserhound bowserhound is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Niles, CA
Age: 48
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bowserhound is on a distinguished road
Wow, this is getting pretty mundayne talking to myself :)

Well, I figured out that I don't have the transistorized ignition, so I guess I don't have any ballast resistors in my car. And the distributor on my car is a single vacuum type. Now is it a single or dual points system? I don't know.

I'm also guessing that the correct pertronix Ignitor kit I need is part# 1281, and I should also get the 40011 (black-oil filled) flamethrower coil.

SO, without the ballast resistors, I should have a red wire going from the coil straight to the ignition switch, correct? And the ignition switch is just a fancy name for where you put the key in right?
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