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  #2 (permalink)   IP:
Old 02-13-2007, 05:06 PM
bowserhound bowserhound is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Niles, CA
Age: 48
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bowserhound is on a distinguished road
Ok, so trolling around the internet has led me to believe that the 65 models may or may not have these resistors? If so, they would be in a brown colored fiberglass cover mounted to the right inner fender just behind the battery.

So if this is true, and there is no resistors in my car, what would take their place? I am absolutely horrible when it comes to electrical stuff!

I'm thinking of just replacing the distributor, getting the pertronix conversion kit and a flame thrower and hoping something happens. Anyone have any reasonably priced good distributors in mind? I have only found 2; a $40 rebuild from kragen, or a $230 Mallory. Kragen has a single vaccuum, and a double vaccum. Which should I get if I go that route?

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