i agree Harley, maybe im over-thinkin this whole thing.. im gunna re-read my directions cuz i swear it said remove it or bypfoul_wordfoul_wordfoul_word it...oops.. Joe did yours plug in and work great right away? actually i think it may be the flame thrower II coil becuase it has 1.5 ohms resistance..so when i measure at the coil i get 6.7 in and 4.2 (or so) out... i think thats why it says to bypfoul_wordfoul_wordfoul_word it..
does that make better sense??
thanks for the help!! the car just seems to run rough until higher rpm now, and when i jumperd from 12v source to coil it ran great!!
maybe i need to check my choke and fuel mixture and timing too just to be safe...
thanks ya'll!!!