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  #19 (permalink)   IP:
Old 10-31-2006, 08:04 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 129
Rep Power: 31
SCUMDOG is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Joe Van Datta
There are two relays in the trunk on a 66 Landau for the warning lights.
They might be your problem.
The thing is Joe, I've got three relays together in the trunk, which two are for the emergency flasher set-up?

To the right of the spare-wheel as you look in the trunk I have two relays, one behind the other and placed longitudinaly, beside the nearest of those two and to its right is another third relay.
Ive sort of checked this third relay and it seems to have an orange or brown wire coming from the terminal furtherest away from you that seems to send power to the stop-lights.

There is also a live white-with-red (or brown?) tracer going to the centre terminal, when the emergency flasher is switched on this wire then causes my test-light to blink, if I hook-up a wire from this wire to the orange one it makes both sets of stop-lights and the front left park light blink quite fast.

Any help here will be appreciated!!
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