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  #5 (permalink)   IP:
Old 10-16-2006, 07:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 129
Rep Power: 31
SCUMDOG is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Joe Van Datta
Look close, it's just a dab of paint on the bulb holder and panel (different colors)
I just got back in from the workshop, the colors are there alright, only trouble is: I've already run into trouble!

The light with the red paint on the holder is the Door Ajar light (the only one that works properly!).
BUT the fitting on the Control Panel with red paint is the Emergency Flasher one!! arghhhh!
The other colours are pale blue, yellow and green.
The Door Ajar fitting on the Control Panel has green paint and Seat Belt fitting has yellow paint, Low Fuel is the blue.

What gives? A practical joker with a paint-pot at the factory????

Two of the bulb holders have two-wire plugs so conceivably they COULD have been swapped - but the Door Ajar light wiring is permanent wired to the loom.

Any suggestions fellow T-birders??

Last edited by SCUMDOG; 10-16-2006 at 07:48 PM.
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