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  #9 (permalink)   IP:
Old 10-12-2006, 05:28 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 129
Rep Power: 31
SCUMDOG is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by dans65
I had a bad brake light relay cause the lights to stay on constantly. I would try the ground first though.
Got into the trunk today, had wife operating brake-pedal, I discovered the relay on the 'switch-board' device on the back of the rear seat (inside the trunk) was getting hot and making funny intermitent noises, after whacking it with a wrench a couple of times it now clicks in and out and the brake-lights go on and off properly - but I think I will replaces it anyway.

What are the other three relays grouprd together nearer to the inner (passenger side) fender? they are connected to the wiring loom with two sets of 4-pin (I think there are only four!)plugs.

All the relays are corroded (one pretty bad) as a result of water entering the trunk via the perished cowl drain hoses.

Once again guys, thanks for the help, I'm a looong way from any other '66 T-bird owners!
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