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Old 09-05-2006, 06:03 PM
bowserhound bowserhound is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Niles, CA
Age: 48
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bowserhound is on a distinguished road
Sounds great!...for a few seconds

Finally got my new Edelbrock intake in, and now the car starts for about 3 seconds and then dies -won't stay running. Checked the points, the plugs, and haven't dove into the carb yet.

When I disassembled, I did not touch the carb (sat in a box for about a month), didn't rotate the camshaft, didn't touch anything on the distrubtor, and everything is back in place where I found it.

I'm going to adjust the fuel mixture when I get home to see if that works, just wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions. thanks
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