Odd Power Steering Problem


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New member
Aug 12, 2006
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum but have owned my 63 bird for about 8 years now. I purchased it from the original owner in my home town. I recently ran into an odd problem with my steering. When the wheels are pointed forward and I turn the steering wheel to the right, nothing happens. When I turn it as far as it will go and hold it, the wheels suddenly turn all the way to the right. The wheels are turning as I'm holding the steering wheel stationary. Have any of you heard of this problem? It makes the car impossible to drive safely. Is the steering box bad? Thanks for any input!

geez - I don't know but I'd be afraid to frive it anywhere until I found a fix...

let us know what you find out please.
Very unusual problem. Check the flexable joint just above the steering gearbox. Be sure it's in good shape. Check the belt and the fluid level. Then raise the front wheels off the floor and start the engine. If the wheels turn either direction by themselves, you have a gearbox problem. This can sometimes be adjusted, but it's not easy and you need some special tools. But it sounds like you need the gearbox overhauled. I use a rebuilder here in Fort Worth, TX called Texas Steer. Of course, there are others.
Hello, I checked the flexible joint and other linkages and everything looks OK. Belt and Fluid level are good. It does it when steering to the left also but is more prominent to the right. I will raise it up and do as you suggest. I'm in OKC, OK and I'm not sure as who might be around here to rebuild it since I recently relocated here. Is it a good idea to just get a rebuilt one from a parts house or to have mine gone through? Thanks for your help!
You might find a parts house that can furnish a rebuilt, however they may need your core first. It will, no doudt, cost more than you sending ot out to be rebuilt. They will need to make some on the deal...