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Old 08-10-2006, 05:11 PM
bowserhound bowserhound is offline
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Correct Part Name (now with picture!)

I'm installing a new intake manifold and need to know what a part is called for it to help track a new one down. It's a coolant "y" fixture right above the water pump inlet on the front of the manifold. One of the hoses connected to it is the carb spacer coolant input, and the other goes back to the heater I believe after meeting up with the carb spacer output.

Also, in the shop manual (page 15-14 I think), it states that the engine temp sender is located on the cylinder head. Is that a misprint? I think it goes on the manifold next to the distributor. Just making sure.


Last edited by bowserhound; 08-10-2006 at 05:36 PM.
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