Power Window Install


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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
Niles, CA
Can anyone help with the proper procedure for installing the power window gear/motor? I having a hard time lining everything up correctly.

What should I do first?

Mount the four retaining bolts?

LIne up the three rollers on the tracks?

Should the window be up, down?

I've tried to install it with the motor on both ends on the gear and in the middle and come up just short everytime. Just thought I'd ask to see if there was a tried and true way to do this, thanks.
Since I haven't yet put my new one back in (still waiting to hear from suppliers) I'm probably not really qualified.

BUT I took mine out by disconnecting the wiring, undid the bolts holding the motor etc in place then popped the clips from the roller and propped up the window with a length of wood put inside the door and took out the motor and winding mechanism.

Hopefully I will just reverse that process. :thumbsup
Remove the clips holding the rollers, put the rollers in the tracks free, that way you can move them where you need to. Attach the 4 bolts and then press the regulator arm studs back into the rollers. When you had the motor off did you get the spring back on correctly?
With the spring, I just pulled back one of the arms and activated the motor to catch the gear. I should also add that I have once successfully installed the whole thing, but the window would only go half way down because it would bind with the positioning of the motor.

I'll try removing the clips to see if that helps any, thanks.
I usually have the window held up to a closed position, then run the regulator and motor unattached to the window to the top position, attatch the regulator arms and away I go.