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Old 05-09-2006, 03:37 PM
miwestlund miwestlund is offline
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VIN# missmatch on my 65 Bird

Today was the big day for me and my Texas imported 65 Convertible. I went to the Swedish vehicle inspection station after a winter of several repairs. This is a procedure needed to get a Swedish car title for imported cars.
Things didn't go as I hoped it would. My car VIN# and the plate on the door didn't match the number on the chassi. One number was failing. My VIN# said 85Z. The 5 means convertible. Chassi number said 83Z. The 3 meaning Hard Top. The rest of the number were correct. And the numbers were clear and not messed with.

Is it common that this kind of misstake happens at the factory?
Or any ideas how this could happen?


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