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  #9 (permalink)   IP:
Old 05-01-2006, 09:50 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 129
Rep Power: 31
SCUMDOG is on a distinguished road
I have had NO trouble in various V8s with a Petronix/fat wire/Mallory coil set-up, my '66 Bird has already had a Petronix kit fitted before I bought it and I'll leave it there.
Sparks don't 'jump to the top of a piston', I've hotted up and raced a lot of engines and too much ignition advance and the resultant 'pinking' will EVENTUALLY hole a piston (Does it pretty fast in a supercharged engine).
I HAVE noticed a smother idle and easier starting with the Petronix set-up over a twin-point - and it was better than the original single-point.

Hope this helps you decide what to do.
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