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Old 04-26-2006, 02:14 PM
Harley Eaton Harley Eaton is offline
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Keller, TX
Age: 94
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The shift tube bearing (it's really a bushing) can be replaced, though not easily with the engine, the brake booster and the steering column in the car. Directions may be a little lengthy, but here: Start by removing a screw (may be a bolt) accessed through a hole in the shift collar close to the steering wheel. It's on the bottom and I think you will need the shift lever in neutral. Then remove the lever on the shift tube that activates the neutral start switch. Then, under the hood, slide the shift tube down toward the steering gearbox. Half to three quarters of an inch. You will find lots of slop here.
Now, cut the new rubber bearing/bushing through the locating nub. Now you can place the bearing/bushing around the shift tube and slid it up into the notch in the steering column jacket. Seat the bearing/bushing in the steering column jacket and slide the shift tube back to it's original position. Replace the neutral start switch lever and the bolt or screw you took out first. You are done. Some people will remove the LH hood hinge. Some will remove the brake booster. I've never needed to do this.
Harley ([email protected])
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