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  #8 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-23-2006, 10:38 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 129
Rep Power: 31
SCUMDOG is on a distinguished road
Thanks for that Harley, I've just got back in from the garage and had spotted a vacuum switch linked to the shifter and was wondering if that's what it was for, thanks for confirming it for me..

Just checked why the setbelt and door ajar etc lights were not working in the Safety Control Panel, the bulbs were gone in a couple of fittings BUT while doing a circuit check I discoverd both the black and red wires to a couple of the bulb-holders were live!
I have to figure that maybe only the red one should be live and the other should be earth?
Sounds like somebody has been 'playing' with by '66s wiring in the past, aargh!!!
This computer willbe going to the 'puter vets for a day or two as it's is shutting down, locking up etc so see y'all in a day or two.
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