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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 04-17-2006, 05:00 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 129
Rep Power: 31
SCUMDOG is on a distinguished road
Parking brake

Excuse the ignorance but where is the release for the parking brake on a '66 T'bird?
The last car I drove with that set-up was a '67 Caddy and it had a small pull-lever below the dash - but I can't see one on my 'bird.

BTW, it's called the 'hand-brake' in cars in New Zealand, the transmission is called the gearbox, the hood is the bonnet, the trunk is the boot, the turn signal is the indicator, the shifter is the gear-stick and a trailer-hitch is a tow-bar, - strange old world we live in eh? :confused:
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