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Old 10-25-2002, 08:51 AM
OldBird OldBird is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Utah
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OldBird is on a distinguished road

I'm no guru,and my car is a 60.
For the door windows, mine has a "plug" at the back side of the Door that, when removed, reveals a nut. After being loosened, you can slide the rail, in or out, as required.
The Rear Quarter Window, I believe, you need to remove the Arm Rest Panel. That should expose a screw with a lock nut, at the bottom, adjacent to the Jamb. If you screw this clockwise, or counter clockwise it will swing the window in or out. If you loosen the locknut, you can make an up or down adjustment.
I hope this might be of some assisstance to you.
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