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Old 12-10-2005, 04:39 PM
jfhbird jfhbird is offline
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I have just removed my engine and transmission also. There are articles that say you can remove the transmission as a separate unit but this would require special tools and a lot of patience. You wold be required to dissassemble the transmission before removing it. I reccommend removing the tranny and engine as a single unit. There is a nice article in the CTCI restoration manual about this. You must remove the hood, radiator, Generator, accelerator linkage, transmission cooling lines,power brake vacuum line, power steering hoses, gas line, and heater blower motor. Unbolt the front motor mount and rear transmission mount. Disconnect apropriate wires. You may then use an engine hoist and pull the motor and transmission out as one piece. You will have to angle this unit like you were taking off a shoe. It will probably take more than an hour and a half but it is not such a bad job.
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