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Old 04-05-2002, 04:53 PM
dgs dgs is offline
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dgs is on a distinguished road

I'd love to know the same thing. I recently read an article in Invention and Technology magazine about the introduction of radials in the US in the late 60's. It said that the initial ride and handling was poor until the alignment was adjusted for the radials. It didn't say what adjustments were made though! Bias tires have been gone for so long, I doubt that any tire shopss know anymore either.

BTW - I have radials on mine now because I recieved it that way. I don't find the ride or handling objectionable, but I don't have anything to compare to either. I'm planning on replacing them this spring with another set of radials just because I percieve them to be safer and more durable.
1960 Convertible
Raven Black
Red Leather
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