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Old 12-09-2005, 02:04 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: INDIANA
Posts: 29
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TOM WRIGHT is on a distinguished road
Cool Engine and Transmission Removal

I nead to replace the seal, both front and rear in my 57's auto transmission. I have been told, and I believe it to be true,that you must remove the engine when removing the transmission. After looking this job over, I think this can be removed in 1-2 hrs. MAX. It just doesn't look that tough of a job. I have all the tools including a lift to work under the car, engine hoist, transmission jack,etc. I plan on removing both engine and transmission as an assembly.
My question is, am I right in my thinking that this is going to be a fairly simple and straight forward job?
Any comments will be well received
Thank you
Tom Wright
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