telescoping steering column

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Jun 13, 2005

I am asking this question for a friend who is considering the purchase of a 1957 t bird. This man is a large man and the ability to have a telescoping steering column could make all the difference in the world. On some sales pages, I have seen it mentioned and not on others.

My question

Do all 1957 t birds have a telescoping steering column? If not, can they be retrofitted? If they can be retrofitted, can someone provide a general cost to do this?

best regards

Its been a while since we've had a 57 in the shop, but at present we have a 55 and a 56 and they both have the telescoping wheel. I seem to recall that any 57 I've ever seen did as well. On the off chance that you encounter a car that does not, yes it can be retrofitted, the steering columns are out there. My boss has an extra one he picked up from a parts supplier in Michigan a little over a year ago, just to get the wheel for use on another restoration. What few people realize is that the large ribbed chrome barrel just in front of the dash is the lock for the mechanism. Grabbing it with your hand and rotating it counterclockwise releases the lock and allows the steering wheel to be pulled out or pushed in. Then you lock it again by turning the ribbed barrel clockwise at whatever point you wish. With big people and tall people, they will find the car most uncomfortable to get in to if the wheel is left in its shortest position. I'm 6 foot two inches and I leave the wheel all of the way in and cheat. I open the door and back my seater downer into the car and onto the seat, then I swing my legs into the car. I do the reverse when exiting the car. I swing my legs out first, then lean forward and stand up. The steering wheel does not get in the way using this procedure. But some people will just be too large for these small birds, regardless of what you do. Its best to try fitting yourself to one before you buy it, rather than find out that you just cannot get comfortable and must sell the car. I hope this is of some help. Good Luck!