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Old 05-22-2002, 10:34 AM
0bird2 0bird2 is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: NRH, TX
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0bird2 is on a distinguished road

Have you got the sputtering problem fixed???
Our '57 went through a severe problem with vapor lock on a trip from Chicago to Reno. It would idle OK when warm but would not go down the road. It surged along at about 35 mph or would die, but would restart in a few minutes. I bought an electric fuel pump kit from a T-Bird restorer and the problem goes away when I turn on the electric pump. Actually installed it at a convenience store/gas station in Iowa. Took about 45 minutes. The rest of the trip was great.
If you still have the problem and are interested in the electric pump kit, let me know and I'll give you a phone number to call and he'll ship you the kit. It is pretty much out of site and is installed in the union connection in the fuel line that is under the drivers side of the car. I have a switch under the dash by the steering wheel and only turn on the pump when needed. I powered it off the ignition side of the ignition switch, that way it won't be left on unless the car is on.
'57 Willow Green
'02 Thunderbird Blue
North Richland Hills, TX

[ 05-22-2002: Message edited by: 0bird2 ]
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