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Old 04-20-2005, 05:04 PM
Engr_Jim Engr_Jim is offline
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Originally Posted by 4-5-6-birdman
Your compression numbers are not that bad. The most important thing is +/- 10% across the board aside from totally low numbers of which you have neither. BoaterBob may be onto something, especially with 2 fouled plugs and the readings were good on both of those cylinders? It is also possible that you have lost or really bad intake valve seals on those 2 cylinders. Pretty unlikely since valve seal failure or fatigue is generally global. In your earlier post you said 2 fouled plugs and now you state the plugs are oil fouled, is that all the plugs? How much oil is it burning and does it smoke on free revving or only when you first start it? If you have never pulled an engine and don't have a friend or someone that can help you with knowledge or experience you might want to look at a shop to do it. Before you get that far you should ensure you know what you have. Good Luck!
Thanks for the analysis (you and BoaterBob)!
Two plugs are fouled the worst and even seem wet with oil. The rest are also very dark. It blows black smoke and when first started or reved up, I'll can turn the concrete under the pipes black. As for how much oil it's burning it's hard to know because it is also leaking oil. I put it up on jacks this weekend and it seemed as if every fluid (except antifreeze was leaking - PS, Tranny, Oil everywhere).

I've never pulled an engine, so it sounds like it may be beyond me. I was also thinking of getting involved with the local T-Bird club - perhaps another source of advice (or assistance :-).

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