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Old 04-02-2005, 07:57 PM
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4-5-6-birdman 4-5-6-birdman is offline
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Originally Posted by Reed64
Thanks for the reply. I think I have the electronic regulator, it is new but I will replace it just in case it is bad. The problem that just started happening is a super slow crank when starting or no crank at all. This problem started soon after I installed the Ignitor ignition with the Flame Thrower coil. With the new coil, the engine starts after only 1 or 2 cranks, but the cranks are hard to come by. Is it possible to have a full battery but a very slow crank? Could the new coil be the cause? I'm going to check the battery tomorrow.
No ignition is seperate from the starter circuit, are you using a ballast resistor on one side of the coil? They originally were used to reduce high current to the points during engine cranking. If you have electronic you should remove the ballast if you have one. The only way you'll have a slow crank with a full battery is if your starter is drawing too much current. Almost sounds like your battery might be on the way out, how old is it? The coil would not be the cause of slow cranking either. Are you certain all your lugs are clean and tight and you have a good ground connection to the block? Good Luck and keep us posted!
4-5-6-birdman / aka WildBill / aka NWBOATGUY
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