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Old 04-02-2005, 04:35 AM
Reed64 Reed64 is offline
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Originally Posted by 4-5-6-birdman
Reed, you need to confirm which style regulator you have. From your description it sounds like the point style. You also don't state what happens with an rpm range in the 1500 to 2300 which is cruise range. This is the range in which things should also be observed, try running the rpms up and then pulling on the lights. The condition on you state about the flow to the battery being stopped is exactly what happens if a fully charged battery is sensed. I would expect to see a more gradual movement of the needle however.

Do you have a factory service manual? The section on charging is pretty informative and useful. It sounds to me from your description you have a point style regulator, the book stresses erratic needle behavior for that style can be caused by pitted or oxidized points which can be sanded and cleaned. If you do have the transistorized style it might be bad. Are you having any problems with the system, dead battery, overcharged battery? If not the system is probably working ok. I would do the test with the lights at cruise rpms and observe the gauge. Good Luck!!

Thanks for the reply. I think I have the electronic regulator, it is new but I will replace it just in case it is bad. The problem that just started happening is a super slow crank when starting or no crank at all. This problem started soon after I installed the Ignitor ignition with the Flame Thrower coil. With the new coil, the engine starts after only 1 or 2 cranks, but the cranks are hard to come by. Is it possible to have a full battery but a very slow crank? Could the new coil be the cause? I'm going to check the battery tomorrow.
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