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Old 04-01-2005, 08:58 PM
Reed64 Reed64 is offline
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Question What is Normal Ammeter Behavior?

My charging system has been acting up on my 64 390. When the charging was working ok, I didn't pay much attention to the ammeter. Now I'm always watching it and I'm sure it is not normal.

With lights off and engine running, the needle will stay in the middle for about a minute, then it go about half way to "C" (sometimes all the way) for a few seconds, then snaps back to the middle for a minute or so. This repeats over and over. It is as if a switch allows current to flow to the battery for a while then stops all flow for a while.

With the lights on, it acts similarly, but instead of the needle being in the middle, the needle sits to the left towards discharge.

By the way, I actually have a 65 alternator installed. And I believe I have the electronic replacement regulator, not the original type.

What is normal ammeter behavior?

Last edited by Reed64; 04-01-2005 at 09:20 PM.
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