spspsputtering problem


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Nov 1, 2001
dickinson tx
have 57 312 fordmatic. starts and idles fine. problem arrises when after reaching operating temp, car starts sputtering and will not idle. if acts like its out of gas. after numerous attempts to start and idle, it will start and idle. drive more and problem reoccurs. could fuel system produce vapor lock?? and suggestions. fuel system and carb are new

Sounds like it could be the rubber flex line between the steel fuel line and the fuel pump. This line is subject to softening and collapsing because of modern fuel compositon. It's an $8 fix.

If it IDLES fine, it's probably not vapor lock. Vapor fuel would still boil in the line, even at idle. Look at the filter bowl and check for bubbles.

I had a BAD case of this same problem, which was actually a cracked wire under the dash. Accelerate, inertia causes it to move rearward, and it would ground out, causing faultering.

Coil could be a problem.

Is the butterfly on the choke operating properly? Maybe when you nail it, it's too closed and not getting air.

Is the accelerator pump pumping a good jet?

Just a few thoughts, but it doesn't sound like vapor lock.
thanks for replys guys, will try hose fix first as fuel system is new from fuel pump up with new fuel bowl/filter and carb with lines from fuel pump. i apprecaite the help as my friends say, i went to the dark side when i got rid of a 72 vette and got the bird. thanks again
Have you got the sputtering problem fixed???
Our '57 went through a severe problem with vapor lock on a trip from Chicago to Reno. It would idle OK when warm but would not go down the road. It surged along at about 35 mph or would die, but would restart in a few minutes. I bought an electric fuel pump kit from a T-Bird restorer and the problem goes away when I turn on the electric pump. Actually installed it at a convenience store/gas station in Iowa. Took about 45 minutes. The rest of the trip was great.
If you still have the problem and are interested in the electric pump kit, let me know and I'll give you a phone number to call and he'll ship you the kit. It is pretty much out of site and is installed in the union connection in the fuel line that is under the drivers side of the car. I have a switch under the dash by the steering wheel and only turn on the pump when needed. I powered it off the ignition side of the ignition switch, that way it won't be left on unless the car is on.
'57 Willow Green
'02 Thunderbird Blue
North Richland Hills, TX

[ 05-22-2002: Message edited by: 0bird2 ]
I don't like the idea of running mine all the time. I put a switch for the pump in line with the pump and the switched side of the ignition. This way, it will only run with the key on, AND the switch engaged. Run it when you need it.

It hasn't restricted fuel flow.

I operate my car in TX, FL, and GA and have not had vapor lock problems. I thought I did, but such was not the case. I doubt that is your problem, particularly this early in the year. If it IS, it's probably because your fuel line is run incorrectly between the pump and your tank, and sits too close to the exhaust at some point.

Any other symptoms you can describe?
One more question...
When you restart, how long does the engine cool before it will restart. If it's REALLY vapor lock, it should take 15-30 minutes.