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Old 03-31-2005, 05:41 AM
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4-5-6-birdman 4-5-6-birdman is offline
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4-5-6-birdman is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by 4-5-6-birdman
You have, I am afraid to say answered your own questions or darn close to them. It most likely is a ring problem. Either way it spells the kiss of death for the old FE. Sounds like she is flat wore out!! There are a couple of tests you can do, a compression test and a leak down test. If you don't have either of these it's pretty easy to buy a compression tester and then make it into a dual purpose tool that will do both. You do need an air compressor for the later. You can do a search of the net for "leakdown tester homemade"

How long have you owned the car? How much oil is it using? Is it leaving quite a number of oil spots on the ground? When was the oil changed last? If you change the oil and go with a racing oil like Valvoline and use like a 40 or 50 weight it will cut down on the blowby a little and with new oil the stench won't be quite as bad, but it's never going to get better. I don't recall the year of your bird but the mid sixty's they started using a pcv to control the crankcase fumes and run them back through the engine. If you do not have a closed system like pcv you can probably rig one up to get some of that crap going out the pipe instead of inside the cabin. If it has a pcv you need to ensure that it is working properly. Good luck and keep us posted!!
I see your Bird is 61 to 63 so you do not have a PCV, you get the ever popular roadraft tube!
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