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Old 03-12-2005, 10:33 AM
JoeD JoeD is offline
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Originally Posted by 4-5-6-birdman
When was the last time the Calipers were rebuilt or replaced? By the way Don glad to hear it's fixed, nothing quite like a good pedal!! Don't forget to remove the

The calipers were replaced with rebuilt ones right before I got the car. Judging by their appearance and amount of fresh lining on the pads, I'm sure they were actually replaced. However, it seems that the rotors were not replaced, just the calipers and brake pads. The rotor warpage gradually got worse over the two years I drove the car before having had enough and getting new rotors put on. The shop didn't do anything but put on my new rotors and fresh brake pads. The calipers weren't replaced.

I never did get around to removing the spring, so I guess technically I can't say it's been fixed, only that it's good enough that the spring "fix" is all it needs now. ;)

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