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Old 03-07-2005, 01:28 PM
Engr_Jim Engr_Jim is offline
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Exclamation Blown head gasket?

I own a '65 convertible t-bird with a stock 390 and no, I'm not a mechanic. Lately the car has started to overheat more and I've got some two badly fouled plugs. I see no signs of antifreeze/oil cross-contamination. I've flushed the radiator. I also have poor power and slow acceleration.

My question is partly about the current problem and partly deciding how far I should go with the engine - that has never been rebuilt.

I can certainly run some compression checks but will that isolate a blown head gasket vs something more serious in the head? I also wondered what happens if I go to the trouble of replacing the head gaskets with the engine in place and still have poor compreesion because of either a head crack or simply worn out rings - and then need to pull the engine for a rebuild? I think I'd be up for tearing into the head but not pulling the engine (just not sure) as I'd need to then get it to a shop for rebuilding, etc.

Just wanna poke fun at my extensive knowledge?

All welcome,
tbirdjim in Denver
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