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Old 01-20-2005, 09:53 PM
gbhrps gbhrps is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Ontario, Canada
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gbhrps is on a distinguished road
It sounds like your top has been put away damp and has shrunk somewhat, or is of a poorer quality material and has done the same thing. You may have enough excess material under the front of the front bow to correct the problem. If the stainless strip is removed from the front bow, you will see where the top material is stapled to the tack strip, and maybe even glued. There will also be two wide strip pads that are attached in the same manner to the front bow underneath the top material on each side of the top. It may be possible to unstaple all, if there is enough surplus matrial, and pull the front bow down into its proper locking position, then restaple all. I suggest that its not something for a first timer. Pull the stainless strip (I believe that you have to unscrew the front rubber seals on the front bow first to get to the nuts that hold the stainless strip on.) Then take the car to a place that does convertible top replacements, and see what they say. They'll know if there is anything that can be done, or if a new top is in order. Good luck!
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