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Old 12-17-2004, 04:37 PM
renospyder renospyder is offline
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renospyder is on a distinguished road
1983 5.0 over heating

Well my project car has been over heating, but not all of the time. It is all stock. It has 130k on it. I've changed all of the fluids before winter and didn't see anything unusual with the fluids. It's not leaking anywhere in the cooling system. Just once in a while, the engine hot light comes on. If I let it sit for a while and restart it and drive it, it doesn't over heat again. It's really strange. I flushed the entire system and noticed nothing unusual in the fluid. I've replace the t-stat, checked all of the hoses and the water pump is working just fine. It runs just fine. It has A/C, but it hasn't been on when it over heats, and I'm just driving it normally. The only common thing is that I'm at highway speeds 55-65 when it happens. Any suggestions?

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