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Old 12-02-2004, 01:37 AM
markmc59 markmc59 is offline
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95 4.6 water in crank case

I have a 95 4.6 that I just purchased that has water in the crank case, I have pulled the spark plugs they are originals (car/engine 90k miles) but they tell me of no water in a cyln. the engine ran well no misses, I suspect a bad head or head gasket, I have ran a cynl leak down test and found a 5-10% loss on all cyln. I have ordered an adapter for radiator pressure tester to "pump up" the radiator and check for loss of pressure, but, I just noticed a "oil cooler"?, there seems to be a plate that bolts to the block that the oil filter spins on. there is a rad. hose connected to it, I suspect this might be a problem area, I am planning on pumping up the radiator and removing the oil lines from this plate and see if there is any water leaks there, any more suggestions?
is there any suggestions for really narrowing this down?
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