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Old 10-26-2004, 11:03 AM
black62tbird black62tbird is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Age: 59
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black62tbird is on a distinguished road
Price for a 61 parts car?

I need some advice. I own a 62 Thunderbird and I have found a 1961 parts car. The owner said to make him an offer, but I have no idea how much to offer him. It has been sitting for 15 years, has a great back bumper and all of the chrome is still in great shape...hard to believe. No motor, no front windshield, but a nice back one. Seats are shot. I really just want the back bumper and a lot of the chrome.

What should I offer? What is the going rate for a parts car of this condition? I was just going to offer him 100.00 for anything I can pull off of it.

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