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Old 09-18-2004, 10:21 AM
Brian Brian is offline
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trans mount question

This is a 57 bird with 3spd OD.

I have an extra part I can't account for in the various parts books.

Under my trans mount, I have a channel that fits between the mount and the frame. It has two holes that line up perfectly. I'm sure it goes there ( I made good notes when I took it apart), but now that I am ready to mount the trans, I can't see it in any parts diagrams to confirm that it should be there in the first place.

Has any one seen this before?

This channel is about 3/16" thick, so it has the effect of raising the trans mount (and consequesntly the trans) that much. In other words, it's almost like a spacer, except that is a channel to cradle the mount. If someone previously had been trying to make a spacer (for whatever reason), all they would have had to do was use flat stock. This part looks so good, it looks OEM.
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