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Old 06-18-2004, 12:30 PM
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Sanitarium 73 Sanitarium 73 is offline
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Sanitarium 73 is on a distinguished road
Question about wheel bolt patterns...

Hey all. I am wondering about the wheel bolt patterns on late 70's ford cars. Are they all the same? Are factory wheels interchangable between T-birds, Cougars, and Mark Vs? I know that there is a difference between '73 Thunderbird bolt pattern, and a '79 bolt pattern because the wheels off of the '73(which is not running at the time.) would not fit on my '79. I thought they all were produced with the same nine inch axle, but could a new one have been put in? Sorry to ask so many questions, and I appreciate your replies!

'88 Crown Vic LX - My daily-driven pride and joy

'86 Trans Am - The good weather toy

'73 Thunderbird - The first motor swap project. Oh boy...
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