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Old 06-14-2004, 10:54 PM
78TownLandau 78TownLandau is offline
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Thanks for the info about flanges. I had suspected that it took some heat and special equipment to make the tubing flare out. I'll keep my 25-year-old cats for now, just to keep the exhaust system connected. I've scoured the internet and no one seems to make direct-fit cats for '78 cars. :nonod

I'm keeping everything street legal since I'm not sure which state I'll end up settling down in and hence which set of smog rules I have to follow. Ideally what I'd like to have is a pair of cats which have provisions for O2 sensors. This way, I can hook them up to air/fuel sensors in the cabin to monitor how the carb and engine are doing. Maybe I'll buy a pair of universal-fit cats and bring 'em into an exhaust shop and they can make the custom bends for me.

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