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Old 06-13-2004, 10:48 PM
78TownLandau 78TownLandau is offline
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Question DIY catalyic converters?

Was wondering how many of you upgraded or replaced your own exhaust system. I'm in the process of replacing the one on my '78 Town Landau and this is my first time messing around with exhaust pipes. Two questions:

1.) If you replaced the catalytic converters, what did you do or where did your order the cat from? The portion of the exhaust between the exhaust manifold and the beginning of the Y-pipe seems to be custom made with some non-standard bends. Universal cats are plentiful and cheap, but how do you make the connection between the exhaust manifold and the Y-pipe?

2.) How does one make a flange on an exhaust pipe?

Much appreciated,

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