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Old 01-09-2003, 03:11 PM
nomadbird nomadbird is offline
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Traverse City, Mi. USA
Posts: 197
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nomadbird is on a distinguished road

When you correct one problem area; another one surfaces. The use of a "Dynamat" type material on interior floor and firewall surfaces offers some relief. The addition of a flat piece of sheet metal on top of the frame to deflect exhaust system heat also helps.

A couple problem areas that are elusive: (1) isolating the exhaust pipe heat from the toe board. (2) Isolating the conducted heat on the gear selector housing. That devil gets hot! Almost bad enough to burn you after a few hours of desert driving.
Immediately after my cars were finished and I wanted to minimize wear; I drove in stocking feet. That works for maybe ten miles. Now I wear thick soled walking shoes with the heels rounded on the back edge.

The only thing that seems semi-reliable is to drive the cars only when it is less than 60 degrees F. Then all you have to worry about is freezing your left knee and left ear.

But----they are pretty, aren't they! Tom

[ 01-09-2003: Message edited by: nomadbird ]
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