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Old 05-21-2004, 06:23 PM
Tim Cole Tim Cole is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 192
Rep Power: 40
Tim Cole is on a distinguished road

Per your question, yes, the valve covers are aluminum (polished or not, I don't know) and are finned and have the Ford Oval and Motorsports emblem. They're in perfect condition. And, they fit either a 302 or 351-W.

I am told that to get them looking like new, there is a product (some jelly-like substance) that can be brushed on them and then hosed off.
I can't remember the name of the product, though. Sorry. You can have them for $50.00 plus Postage.

I'll be out of the country, starting tomorrow until the first of June. But, if you want them, reply sometime today or evening (Friday, 5/21/04).
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