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Old 05-17-2004, 09:16 PM
Tim Cole Tim Cole is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Regarding conversion to R 134a: When I retrofitted my '79, I put a new compressor, new expansion valve, and dryer on. Everything else stayed the same (accumulator, evaporator core, AC lines, etc.). All odf these items can be purchased a local auto parts store.

In principle, all you need to retrofit the sytem is to change the fittings, evacuate the system (need a pump to do this), and charge the system with new refrigerant. But putting on a new dryer is usually recommended when you do anything to the AC system.

And, what is more, if you really want to do it right, it makes sense to change the expansion valve and compressor as well. If your AC lines are still healthy, keep them on. If they need to be changed, NAPA has them, as do other auto part stores.

Best wishes,

Most auto shops can do this in a short time.

When you buy R 134a at the store, it will often come with the new fittings.
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