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Old 05-15-2004, 10:57 PM
Travlin Travlin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Florida
Age: 66
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Travlin is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by coastie124
I am in the same situation right know and I plan on just spending alot of time rebuilding the metal. I have rot on the sub frame in the rear and rocker panels are rotting and the front bumber mounts are rotting and the floor boards are in the process of rotting. My plan is to have it dipped in an akaline tank to remove all rust and paint. To do this you have to remove everything from the car. Anything left on the car that isn't steel will be gone when the process is done. Then when I've done this I hope to have accumalated all the metal that I can order. When I get it back I will have a rust free car to work on. Then I will fabricate everything that isn't ordered. The thing is I have a metal shop at my disposal and three hour lunch breaks every night. :)
I'm afraid if I had her dipped, I'd get what's left of her back in a shoebox.

Maybe that's a tad bit of an exageration, but right now I'm looking at a heck of a lot of work.
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