Thread: April Fools!
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Old 04-01-2004, 03:05 PM
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Charles Charles is offline
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Charles is on a distinguished road
Unhappy April Fools!

This is rich... My T-Bird is apart in the shop undergoing restoration and looking more like an All-Ford parts swap meet than a Thunderbird. I have pulled a bunch of these things down in my time and have a pretty damn good idea how to put 'em back together. Nonetheless, there are a few pages of notes on vacuum line routing, bracket mounting on the front of the engine, stuff like that there. We live in the country where burning barrels are normal life, so when she called and said "Don't get mad at me, but I accidentally burned those papers" I believed it.

I'll write to you guys from prison after I kill her tonight for scaring the H E double hockey sticks out of me.

Remember today's date. Don't let this happen to you! Charles
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